Product: Sushi Chef Sushi Making Kit
Type of Kit: Traditional
Price Range: Around $37.00 dollars
The Sushi chef line of products are known for their quality, so your results with this kit should be very good. The Sushi Chef line of products was started by Helen Tandler after she left a prominent position in Citicorp back in the 1980's to start the Baycliff company.
There was a growing interest in Japanese Cuisine at the time but not many products to help Americans in their preparation. Thus was born this line of sushi making products.
The one thing this kit does not have that the easy sushi making kit has, is a nigiri sushi mold. That's not a big deal if you were going to make your nigiri by hand or not make any nigiri at all. Anyway, this kit is cheaper so it's a wash.
This kit contains:
A nice thing, but also a puzzling thing to me about this kit is the fact that it contains both a pre-made Sushi Vinegar and Rice Vinegar.
The nice thing about that, is that somebody who is new to sushi won't have to make Sushi Vinegar out of the rice vinegar. Which is not very difficult actually. All you have to do is add sugar and salt to the Rice vinegar and mix well to make Sushi Vinegar.
I think it would have been "smarter" to leave out the Sushi Vinegar and just give instructions for adding the appropriate amount of sugar and salt to the Rice vinegar to make Sushi vinegar and just charge less for the kit.
Anyway, some may like the convenience of not having to make the Sushi Vinegar.
The included Sushi Chef Cookbook is nice addition.
You can try to pickup all of these ingredients and a sushi mat at a Japanese grocery or Japanese store or out of convenience you can get the Sushi Chef Sushi Making Kit here at Amazon.
Recommendation: Buy
If the Sushi Chef isn't the kit you were looking for, below are listed some of the best selling sushi making kits on amazon...
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